2024年6月19日京都で、高熱発酵肥料?の「第5回管理技術者交流」が開かれました。基調講演ということで、10分間、3枚のスライドで、好気性好熱生分解肥料(嫌気性発酵とは全くの別物です。メタ有機肥料Metaorganic Compost:MoCとしました)と出会ってからの約20年の歴史をまとめてみました。何とか、15分以内には収まりました。



共和化工・環境微生物学研究所のマークは「@iem, アチム」としました。

たとえは「熱生分解資源@環微研肥料」は、BicdM@iemCo, ビックドマチコになり、

略称はBicdMac(ビックドゥマック)になります。意味はBio-carol-degradate-Mass-Compostです。新しくメタ有機肥料としたので、BicdMocにしました(発音はビックドマックで変わりません)。Mass-CompostがMeta-organic Compostになりました。















I am Yasuhiro Yoshikawa, who succeeded Dr Tairo Oshima, an authority on thermophilic bacteria. As a veterinary scientist, I have gained experience in areas such as pathology, virology, zoonosis and food safety science. At the end of my career, however, I decided to try my hand at research that would contribute a little more to society.

It is said that the earth has been around 4.6 billion years since the birth of the earth and life has been around 4 billion years since the birth of life. For the first two billion years, the world was a world of only bacteria, but as the global environment changed, bacteria branched off and diversified. The first bacteria that emerged in a world without organic matter and oxygen were chemosynthetic, autotrophic, anaerobic and thermophilic (similar to bacteria around hydrothermal vents in the deep sea?)  Later, bacteria that decomposed organic matter and grew anaerobically (fermentative bacteria) emerged. Shortly afterwards, autotrophic bacteria (cyanobacteria) appeared, which synthetized sugars and oxygen through photosynthesis. Subsequently, aerobic heterotrophic bacteria flourished as oxygen levels in the atmosphere and oceans increased. Thus, a bacterial food chain and a resource cycle of biodegradation were established (Fig. 1).


Figure 1 Evolution of bacteria during the Great Ancient Period (2 billion years after the beginning of life).

Unicellular eukaryotes (protists) emerged about 2 billion years ago and spent the next billion years cycling biological resources (biomass) between bacteria and protists. As unicellular autotrophs, algae carried out photosynthesis, while heterotrophic protists such as amoebae and flagellates fed on the bacterial population through phagocytosis and were also biodegraded by the bacteria, thus creating an environmental cycle of co-existence and co-prosperity. Over the next 500 million years, unicellular organisms collected and edited the genomes and genes of vast groups of bacteria, differentiated cells with different functions and became multicellular. The world of bacteria, protists and simple multicellular organisms continued for about 500 million years.

540 million years ago, following the Cambrian biological explosion, animals and plants, now known as higher multicellular organisms, emerged, survived five major extinctions and went from aquatic to terrestrial life between 400 and 300 million years ago and flourished (Figure 2).


Figure 2 Diversification of the prokaryotic kingdom to the unicellular eukaryotic kingdom to the multicellular kingdom. Transition of autotrophs and heterotrophs.

Environmental cycles of air, water, soil, seawater and living organisms are still maintained today. Plants, using inorganic matter as a nutrient source, do synthesis sugar and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water through photosynthesis, while heterotrophs use sugar and oxygen as their energy source and emit carbon dioxide and water. As the last to diverge from primates as mammals, humans have tried to use their brains to modify nature.   

However, we are now in danger of breaking this environmental cycle. In order to realize a sustainable society, we need to develop strategies to maintain the environmental cycles of biological resources that the Earth has fulfilled. We need to stop mass production, mass consumption and high economic growth and put environmental cycles at the basis of our actions. It is important to look not only at visible organisms, but also at the invisible micro-organisms that have supported life on Earth for four billion years. Without soil, aquatic and marine micro-organisms, neither plants nor animals could exist (Fig. 3).


Fig. 3 Human survival is based on the maintenance of the environment by micro-organisms and the environmental cycle of biological resources.

Growing plants from 'sludge' as 'compost' is one solution to this problem. Sewage sludge and slaughterhouse sludge are not dirty 'mud' at all - they are microbiological resources (micro-biomass), an aggregate of bacteria and protozoa that have inhabited the earth for four billion years. And although it is called 'composting', it is actually the hyperthermal biodegradation of microbial resources by highly thermophilic bacteria (thermobacteria). High-thermal biodegradation converts organic matter back into inorganic matter, a process that converts it into a source of nutrients that can be used by autotrophic plants (animal resources → microbial biodegradation → plant nutrients). The philosophy of the ”Kyowa-kako, Institute of Environmental Microbiology" is to scientifically investigate the environmental cycles of biological resources that have been carried out by living organisms on the earth from the perspective of micro-organisms (Fig. 4).


Fig. 4 Composting of slaughterhouse sewage and sludge from a microbial perspective reveals a different world.




















